Tuesday 12 July 2011

And , the finger points at.....

Master Khuthumi shares
Judge and judge not, lest you be judged.
Into the hearts of those of unattained age,
the purity of space to respect.
Listen closely, be not in judgment,
and yet work with discernment on the utterances on each.

Perfection is not for achieving 
Perfection is acceptance of all in the now.
Each part of the whole is perfection in that moment.
Build towards the strengths Accept with humility that which is a trial
Work towards allowance of needs of your soul.

The clear and the unclear
Look always toward the light.
Each return into being
to grow on the ones of before.
Perfecting acceptance.

To move towards the light
finite to infinite without end,
 Perfection perfected.

Do you remember the old caution, when we point a finger at another there are three more pointing back at us.  And how true this is too. How interesting it is to notice that when we judge, we should listen to ourselves, our utterances and thoughts. Realize what they are .they are our opinions, not necessarily fact. So, next time we pass judgment on another, dissect and know that the judgment is really of ourselves.  Also, when we notice ourselves being judged, dissect and we will realize that these are not facts but merely the other person’s opinions, their judgments.  And learn not to take them to heart.

Respect of other people…  A difficult one. Real respect means that it does not matter who they are, social position or any other outer marker. Respect for their
soul, their capacity for life and love,  and their capacity for growth.                                                                   

Respect for the very core of each being. The core that has had so many experiences over many incarnations. Respect ourselves too. Bear in mind that all of the traits that we find to judge in others are all mirrored within ourselves.. We think that perfection has to be worked towards, a goal. If we can but accept that, we are all perfect in each moment. . You, and I, are exactly who and how we are in this moment to allow us to move forward into our future charge.  Perfect for the job that we now need to do. Finite and infinite, all the same.

One of the most beautiful instructions I have received to pass on came from Celestial Beings from beyond our reality.  “Deal with one another by connecting through the heart instead of through the eyes” These beautiful peaceful being certainly have something with this instruction.

Notice how when you meet someone we all, as humans, connect with our eyes. We see things like age, standing, sex, colour etc., on which we make judgments, based on our own background. We build relationships from then on based on these judgments. How much better would it be if we could connect with only the heart, through the heart? Base your relationship on what is each other’s heart.

This week, notice first how you have in the past used your judgments to build, or indeed, to destroy relationships. . Work on purposefully looking for that which is in the heart of each being that crosses your path.

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