Wednesday 31 August 2011

Service with passion

Message from Khutumi
Elements of contrast shape the generations. Subject matter twists and churns into the way you see your world today.

Partnerships between earth and sky. Water and drought. Dry land sensitizing you to a collection of sections. Between the ages comes the catastrophe, such dilemma- research does not touch the surface of history.

Sharing information with the beings (unseen beings) is of utmost importance. There is a synergy surrounding you and your kind. Pay attention to the seemingly inconsequential- there will be a grain of recognition. All bits fit into the whole. You are all moving towards the whole.

Connectivity, partnership, it does not matter the name you give it – accept it and use the power of more than one to collect information and then to tell the world.

Decipher the hints and signs presented to you. There is joy waiting for those who allow themselves to witness to the truths of the past and the truths about the future.

There is only one time.

 Build your thoughts towards the positive.

 Service with passion … Comment from Master Khutumi

Dear soul, I greet you with joy this beautiful day.

With regard to your question, please understand that for change to take place first of all it is important to look at the lessons that history has taught you as humans. Use this information and the signs and symbols that you receive in your day to day lives.

 Connect all of these together. Sometime of deciphering is necessary- but the answer will be there. . This is better to do within a group of likeminded beings because there is power in working with combined minds. A power of many working towards one goal. One being’s understanding and concept may not be the same as another and this disparity allows for discussion and then later, conclusion.

Allow your voices to say out loud that which is in your hearts. The beings on the Earth plane such as yourself are in need of these messages of love and hope.

Be in peace
I am as always
Master Khutumi


Direction from spirit

Find some quiet time within your day to think on what it is that occurs in the outside world and which behavious of humanity moves you the most. Which upsets you the most?  (For me it is the children that are growing up without love, respect and validation of their perfection and value.. Children who are in a situation where they are missing out on unconditional, nurturing love of good caregivers. )

Now, look at the history of this particular issue and find the starting point, and then the history that continued the story.  For this part of the exercise you will need to employ more than just your intellect.

 Feel it.

Feel how you have any connection to it. Has there been any impact on your own personal growth. Get feedback from friends. Network.

This exercise may take longer than you ever thought and may take on a life of its own. It may be that you recognize that passion that will drive you to make a difference. It may open in you the drive to service to humanity and the planet.  

Using this information, allow your voice to be heard. Make a difference. Use the media. Use community. Use emotion. Use anything, but get out there and make a difference as every bit counts.

The change in consciousness counts too as each being, whose consciousness is raised, raises that of the consciousness of humanity. Every soul counts.

Wednesday 10 August 2011


In meditation, Serapis  Bei comes to me.  Listen to the voice of Serapis 

Beloved ones, greetings

 Today, and each day, accept all information directed at you. Embrace with joy. I am standing in support of all you do. Allow your seeing eye to become opened. There is much to see. See it all. Feel it all. You have great understanding and great gifts for these things.

Cultivate a habit of finding perfection in all things and this will be returned to you. Replenish your energies from spirit... In all things, allow your voice to ring true and clear. Work in integrity. The full light of integrity is within you. Simply access this.

There is no need to feel guilty. All is exactly as it was meant.

Give thanks
 I am Serapis                                                                                                     
For most of us, it is difficult to accept that you really are able to see and feel everything within your space.  To see in reality that which is in front of you and that which is in the levels of reality beyond the physical realm. All that ever was and all that ever will be within all lives of your soul is within you. With balance, purity, and quiet contemplation, can parts of these be released to you?

Picture the butterfly. Yes, its beauty is obvious. Notice also its victory over bondage. Freedom over darkness. See its joy in the cool air that caresses the very edge of its brand new wings. See the blood chorusing through its thread thin veins in its delicate wings.  A miracle in design. Accept the wonder in the colours. See and feel the very vibration around this small, seemingly inconsequential creature.

Notice the joy with which it plays on the breeze. Each moment a miracle in the now. Although life is transient, we each have a gift to share, a gift to give. The butterfly shares his beauty. Simple and wonderful.  Each to his own purpose, none insignificant. Every precious gift you have is a gift to share.
Know, feel, and see that in essence, in reality, you are one with this flimsy delight. One with its victory and one with its beauty become aware and grateful for your own beauty and victory. When you can see that which has been holding you back. Guilt and blame. Only then, can you break free and be the beauty and delight that is your design.

There is no point in holding onto guilt, by imagining that others have not received the wonderful gifts you have. Each one diverse and individual. Each beauty great.
Feel your gifts with gratitude. Be one with your perfection.

Take time to sit quietly each day, in direct contact with the Earth. In that silence listen with the assistance of your third eye, to the vibrations of the planet, to the very voice of the Earth. For each this will come in a different form. Some will get colours, some sounds and some changes in pressure in your ears. 
In this quiet space that you purposefully set aside to connect with the Earth each day., allow yourself to take notice, to really see with expanded consciousness those items and beings that care to come into you peripheral vision, your peripheral feeling zone.
Be it the separateness and strength of each single blade of grass, fighting for its space to grow within the oneness of the lawn. Be it the butterfly, beautiful and delicate. Be it a single perfect drop of dew or water held together in perfect form by seemingly invisible forces. . Be it birdsong or water flowing. Each day, list only one in as much detail as you possibly can. Notice all the parts that are separate but part of the whole. . Write, in words, that which ties you to each of these details. Realization that you are one with each and every part of the whole brings calm to your own being. It brings with it a sense of belonging

Sunday 24 July 2011


I greet you today and come to share some insights into mothering. Shatter misconceptions. Only love is real. Only love can carry your relationship forward and upwards. Mothering driven by unconditional and all encompassing love will prevail and allow the mothered to grow and flourish.

Acceptance is the next key. Can you see yourself in a guiding capacity instead of one of control. If the mothered being chooses to live in a manner differing to yours, understand that this is totally their choice. Simply continue to love, that is the only requirement.

Laugh and love, dance and sing. Power is in the positive.. A dash of these every day will clear the fog of fear generated in modern society. You are not expected to know everything. Admit your human qualities and find the solution together.

Cultivate the environment of gratitude. Once there is recognition of the good, the grace and the treasure in your life it allows space for more to be released. .

Go in peace. I am Saint Germaine

The light of Germaine

Further comment from Saint Germaine on motherhood

There is only one way for mothers to do all they have to do, day after day. They have to pull on all their strengths from lives before, from the Goddess energy that is inherent in every mother, no matter where they are from. Be that culturally different environment, from the cities with those false sophistications, or the calm and outwardly peaceful countryside.

It is to pull on all these energies of the Goddess energies to help you through the tough times. It is such a necessity for mothers to retain calm and their own integrity. Do whatever you need to do to stay in a good, calm place and not be pulled in by the emotions of the younger and less knowledgeable thinking. You are the driver and you have to control the vehicle of motherhood, of all the younger people under your care.

There are times when the heart will be so pained by the thoughtlessness of the younger ones in your and under your control. Breathe deeply and thank the universe for the blessings of children. Sometimes this takes more than one breath. But keep at it. You are the adult. Give it some time.

Step back and after some time a different point of view can be reached to avoid the continued heartache, it is necessary to take back control with love and devotion. These are your little souls for a short time. See into each heart and just love. In addition, judge and move on from a position of love. You need to be stronger and sometimes put your own peeves aside. It is your life work to do this.

Yes, you can hear the call of the heart. Each mother has this built in, innate sense of their children. Listen for it and answer the call immediately. It may be a physical emergency or an emergency of the heart, each as important

Go in peace. I am Saint Germaine

Being in the light of Germaine


Think back on your own memories of being mothered. Keep positive and find the very best feeling that you can still draw on. Memories of long, warm hugs. a safe place to land, the smell of home cooked food. Interestingly, the smallest spark can trigger these memories.

Even for those of you who feel they have had a bad childhood can find warm memories of someone who mothered you. It is all too easy to blame all of our neurosis on our parents, on bad mothering.

Make a list of what your parents did right. Add to your list by asking those around you what their parents did right.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

And , the finger points at.....

Master Khuthumi shares
Judge and judge not, lest you be judged.
Into the hearts of those of unattained age,
the purity of space to respect.
Listen closely, be not in judgment,
and yet work with discernment on the utterances on each.

Perfection is not for achieving 
Perfection is acceptance of all in the now.
Each part of the whole is perfection in that moment.
Build towards the strengths Accept with humility that which is a trial
Work towards allowance of needs of your soul.

The clear and the unclear
Look always toward the light.
Each return into being
to grow on the ones of before.
Perfecting acceptance.

To move towards the light
finite to infinite without end,
 Perfection perfected.

Do you remember the old caution, when we point a finger at another there are three more pointing back at us.  And how true this is too. How interesting it is to notice that when we judge, we should listen to ourselves, our utterances and thoughts. Realize what they are .they are our opinions, not necessarily fact. So, next time we pass judgment on another, dissect and know that the judgment is really of ourselves.  Also, when we notice ourselves being judged, dissect and we will realize that these are not facts but merely the other person’s opinions, their judgments.  And learn not to take them to heart.

Respect of other people…  A difficult one. Real respect means that it does not matter who they are, social position or any other outer marker. Respect for their
soul, their capacity for life and love,  and their capacity for growth.                                                                   

Respect for the very core of each being. The core that has had so many experiences over many incarnations. Respect ourselves too. Bear in mind that all of the traits that we find to judge in others are all mirrored within ourselves.. We think that perfection has to be worked towards, a goal. If we can but accept that, we are all perfect in each moment. . You, and I, are exactly who and how we are in this moment to allow us to move forward into our future charge.  Perfect for the job that we now need to do. Finite and infinite, all the same.

One of the most beautiful instructions I have received to pass on came from Celestial Beings from beyond our reality.  “Deal with one another by connecting through the heart instead of through the eyes” These beautiful peaceful being certainly have something with this instruction.

Notice how when you meet someone we all, as humans, connect with our eyes. We see things like age, standing, sex, colour etc., on which we make judgments, based on our own background. We build relationships from then on based on these judgments. How much better would it be if we could connect with only the heart, through the heart? Base your relationship on what is each other’s heart.

This week, notice first how you have in the past used your judgments to build, or indeed, to destroy relationships. . Work on purposefully looking for that which is in the heart of each being that crosses your path.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Embrace the dark in your basement

Another story of a child locked up for  being too different. Retarded, slow or  deformed. As a compassionate and understanding  person, we are shocked and outraged at such treatment of those who can’t fight back. As we all know, when a person is locked up like this and hidden away it can have catastrophic impact on their life. Isolating a child in the basement leaves a damaged soul.

Have you considered how much of ourselves is locked away because we are ashamed? We lock unpleasant parts of our nature in the basement of our psyche.  Why do we abuse ourselves that way when it would be so    totally unacceptable to witness one person unleashing on another with such blatant   disregard for their feelings?

When we suppress our nature we deceive ourselves into thinking we don’t have to be whole. There is so much that we have hidden in the basement, in our subconscious. Of course, you cannot simply let it all out. This will result in total chaos.  First let in light, all things are useful, even what we perceive as bad. All parts need to reintegrate those parts of yourself that you never learned to deal with.

Today message is from St. Germaine
Dear Ones, I greet you.
Presently, in each being hidden that which he is not willing to face. It is of necessity for each to face, directly, all of their demons, all their shallowness and treacherous thoughts. For, it is only as you face the completeness of your being that you can see the perfection of your being. Whole and complete, light and dark.

So, friends, endeavour each day, to see that which is hidden, the miracle of you as creation is to be unveiled. Perfect and whole. For, only as a whole being can you complete that which has been set out for you. That to which you have agreed.

In divine brotherhood I greet you on this perfect day. Complete all.
I am St. Germaine, the light of Germaine