Wednesday 10 August 2011


In meditation, Serapis  Bei comes to me.  Listen to the voice of Serapis 

Beloved ones, greetings

 Today, and each day, accept all information directed at you. Embrace with joy. I am standing in support of all you do. Allow your seeing eye to become opened. There is much to see. See it all. Feel it all. You have great understanding and great gifts for these things.

Cultivate a habit of finding perfection in all things and this will be returned to you. Replenish your energies from spirit... In all things, allow your voice to ring true and clear. Work in integrity. The full light of integrity is within you. Simply access this.

There is no need to feel guilty. All is exactly as it was meant.

Give thanks
 I am Serapis                                                                                                     
For most of us, it is difficult to accept that you really are able to see and feel everything within your space.  To see in reality that which is in front of you and that which is in the levels of reality beyond the physical realm. All that ever was and all that ever will be within all lives of your soul is within you. With balance, purity, and quiet contemplation, can parts of these be released to you?

Picture the butterfly. Yes, its beauty is obvious. Notice also its victory over bondage. Freedom over darkness. See its joy in the cool air that caresses the very edge of its brand new wings. See the blood chorusing through its thread thin veins in its delicate wings.  A miracle in design. Accept the wonder in the colours. See and feel the very vibration around this small, seemingly inconsequential creature.

Notice the joy with which it plays on the breeze. Each moment a miracle in the now. Although life is transient, we each have a gift to share, a gift to give. The butterfly shares his beauty. Simple and wonderful.  Each to his own purpose, none insignificant. Every precious gift you have is a gift to share.
Know, feel, and see that in essence, in reality, you are one with this flimsy delight. One with its victory and one with its beauty become aware and grateful for your own beauty and victory. When you can see that which has been holding you back. Guilt and blame. Only then, can you break free and be the beauty and delight that is your design.

There is no point in holding onto guilt, by imagining that others have not received the wonderful gifts you have. Each one diverse and individual. Each beauty great.
Feel your gifts with gratitude. Be one with your perfection.

Take time to sit quietly each day, in direct contact with the Earth. In that silence listen with the assistance of your third eye, to the vibrations of the planet, to the very voice of the Earth. For each this will come in a different form. Some will get colours, some sounds and some changes in pressure in your ears. 
In this quiet space that you purposefully set aside to connect with the Earth each day., allow yourself to take notice, to really see with expanded consciousness those items and beings that care to come into you peripheral vision, your peripheral feeling zone.
Be it the separateness and strength of each single blade of grass, fighting for its space to grow within the oneness of the lawn. Be it the butterfly, beautiful and delicate. Be it a single perfect drop of dew or water held together in perfect form by seemingly invisible forces. . Be it birdsong or water flowing. Each day, list only one in as much detail as you possibly can. Notice all the parts that are separate but part of the whole. . Write, in words, that which ties you to each of these details. Realization that you are one with each and every part of the whole brings calm to your own being. It brings with it a sense of belonging